Your support enables the NAC to continue to spread joy, through recreation, to the families, children, soldiers, neighbors and friends who need us. Together we are truly making a difference in the lives of thousands.

  • $50 supports a program lesson for one child
  • $100 provides an introductory Paralympic archery lesson for 10 military veterans
  • $500 enables six individuals with developmental disabilities to train for our Special Olympics cycling club
  • $1,000 provides a session of Equine Facilitated Learning to two groups of 20 individuals
  • $2,500 allows for children with severe disabilities a series of Hippotherapy treatments
  • $5,000 provides ski lessons for 60 children with physical disabilities
Holiday Giving
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

$15 Donation $0.00

$25 Donation $0.00

$50 Donation $0.00

$100 Donation $0.00

$500 Donation $0.00

$1,000 Donation $0.00

$2,500 Donation $0.00

$5,000 Donation $0.00

Choose Your Own Amount
